Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Writing 115 Integrating quotations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Writing 115 Integrating quotations - Essay Example King reaffirms his commitment to non-violence in the struggle for civil rights. 1. â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair,† urges Martin Luther King to the crowd gathered to hear his speech. King attempts to inspire African Americans reeling under the blows of police violence and racial discrimination. He confidently asserts that their aspirations for civil rights and justice will be met in the near future. 2. Martin Luther King declares that African Americans will not rest until they receive justice. With the words â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair,† King encourages those who have suffered the torment of racial discrimination not to lose hope. He assures his listeners that they will soon win their struggle for civil rights and liberty. 3. Martin Luther King reaches out to those who have suffered the cruel effects of racism. He inspires them with his words, â€Å"Let us not wallow in the valley of despair.† He assures them that he has faith in the dawn of true freedom for African Americans. Barbara Huttman’s essay, â€Å"A Crime of Compassion,† is a deeply moving account of euthanasia. Huttman’s writing is so graphic, that the reader can easily visualize Mac’s transformation from â€Å"a young, witty, macho cop† to â€Å"a 60 pound skeleton kept alive by liquid food we poured down a tube† (Huttman, 343). Huttman’s detailed account of Mac’s symptoms, and the various medical procedures he is subjected to, evoke a deep sympathy. The anguish felt by Mac is conveyed through his heart-rending cry, â€Å"Mercy . . . for Gods sake, please just let me go†Ã‚  (Huttman, 343). Huttman’s account is very effective, largely because it is a first-hand narrative. It is a criticism of the â€Å"death-denying  society† (Huttman, 343), which insists on using scientific techniques to prolong life, regardless of the quality of life or the wishes of the patient.  The writer’s credibility is further enhanc ed by her

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