Saturday, October 5, 2019

Search Language and Search Engines Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Search Language and Search Engines - Essay Example The numbers and letters can lead to other similar books and locations throughout the library. Search engines are also very helpful as they are a replacement of the classic style of searching. Before search engines, research could be conducted by standard index cards. The researcher would have to look through the index cards and read the catalogues to understand and be able to locate the title. Now, search engines allow the researcher to type in a few key words. These key words enable the researcher to browse through a list of titles that pertain to the researcher’s topic. One can decide to do a basic or a guided search. These two different forms of research will assist me in my search of possible sources regarding welfare reform. Using the internet to search through publications can be challenging and lead to irrelevant and false sources. The library of congress only contains credible sources and using the guided search can help narrow down specific categories of welfare reform. For example, accessing the library of congress website and choosing to perform a guided search will bring up substantial amounts of information. The guided search will bring up topics that are newer in publication and provide more current information. To the right of the search engine screen there is a date. Choosing titles with the most current date will assist in locating current

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