Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Strategic Perspectives Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5750 words

Strategic Perspectives - Essay Example This particular paper fundamentally aims towards delivering a detailed analysis of the competitive forces and the various strategic issues in relation to the tablet and smart phone industry. With this concern, various aspects that include internal strategic audit of Apple and identification of the major issues regarding the external stakeholders that are currently faced by the organisation will be considered. Additionally, certain recommendations for Apple will also be depicted in the discussion. A Detailed Analysis of the Smart phone & Ta ­blet Industry The various strategic models that are fundamentally used to analyse the macro-framework of a particular industry can be identified in terms of Porter’s 5 Forces Model and Industry Life Cycle (ILC) theory. These models can be regarded as quite beneficial in obtaining an in-sight regarding the competitive forces along with the strategic issues shaping the smart phone as well as the tablet industry. The Macro-Framework Theory W ith due regards to the macro-framework theory implications, the aspect of macro environment tends to determine the various external influences that may impose a crucial effect upon the tablet and smart phone industry. The various macro environment factors in relation to the smart phone and tablet industry include the political, economic, social and technological forces which are prevalently acknowledged as PEST (Young & Pagoso, 2008). From the viewpoint of the technological forces, it has been recognised that the Integrated Circuits (IC’s) along with other electronic elements have emerged as superior, faster and cheaper as well delivering extensive opportunities towards improving the technology of the tablets along with the smart phones... This paper approves that the most significant strategic option for Apple can be identified with regards to its well structured analysis of value chain linkage that it performs while operating the business functions in a systematic and effective way. As it was mentioned earlier, Apple generally follows a well structured analysis of its value chains majorly focusing on the idea of creating new products, designing and re-designing the already developed products through the execution of its own resources and funding. It is in this context that the IT industry is very much competitive, diverse and capital intensive. In this regard, the packaging style of certain products belonging to Apple can also be regarded as one of the chief strategic options for the business organisations that might help Apple to decrease emissions during transportation and can pose valuable environmental impacts. This report makes a conclusion that Apple faces certain limitations majorly in terms of customer satisfaction and ethical measures adopted by the organisation. In order to mitigate these challenges, Apple should focus on creating differentiation business strategy along with lifestyle branding, advancing the close relationship with the suppliers, introducing innovative designs to persuade the customers and continuously investing upon the research and development in terms of technological advancements. Moreover, complying with the various requirements of the Fair Labour Organisation, greater concern towards the environmental as well as CSR conceptions and enhancing the existing valuable products of the organisation can also render significant benefits to Apple.

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